Dirty Quinoa

Serves: 3-4 people
Hands-on time: 15-20 min
Total time: 30 min

This recipe for “dirty” quinoa is adapted from the dirty rice I used to make all the time when I was single and cooking was a low priority.  I also used to chop up hotdogs and throw them in to make a meal, but um I don’t do that anymore. Now it’s just clean, whole, unprocessed food for me.  I sure wish they made a natural hotdog flavor I could add to a dish to get my hotdog fix.  Anyway, enough about hot dogs, let’s make some dirty quinoa!


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Fresh Pears With Cinnamon

Dessert! Who doesn’t crave something sweet after a meal? If you said “me” you’re lying (or deluded). Even if you truly don’t crave sweets, you’re missing out on one of the best things life has to offer.

The best, healthiest dessert is a simple pile of whole fruit, whatever’s in season.  In the middle of the winter, pears are perfect because they are still widely available and didn’t have to fly from Peru to North America (very bad for the environment).

  1. Cut a ripe pear into eight wedges
  2. Cut out the seeds and stem.
  3. Sprinkle with cinnamon, then sprinkle with some more cinnamon.
  4. Eat.

The. Best. Ever.

Photo of pear with cinnamon

Nutrition 101

This is a lecture I gave at one of my Healthy Cooking meetup groups in 2016.  Sorry it’s somewhat of a work in progress but will polish it up soon!


Nutrition Defined
Basic Nutrients
Nature’s Intention

Nutrition Defined

What Most of us Learned in School
From Merriam Webster:
the act or process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically :  the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances Continue reading “Nutrition 101”