Quick Bone Broth Veggie “Noodle” Soup

Bone broth is a delicious, restorative, highly nutritious broth made by simmering meat bones in water for 8-10 hours. The broth  completely absorbs all the micronutrients from the bones themselves.  AIP and Paleo diets both recommend consuming bone broth every day.  However it can get boring, so I tend to add it to a thick soup or make a nice soup out of it from scratch, like this one.

Feel free to swap out the kale and mushrooms with any other vegetables (raw or cooked) you already have in your frig. Continue reading “Quick Bone Broth Veggie “Noodle” Soup”

Healthier French Fries

I love both regular french fries and sweet potato fries, so I created this recipe for healthier french fries to make both at the same time without deep frying.

I used my Breville Oven which has an air fryer, but if you don’t have an air fryer you can use a roasting pan with a wire rack in it. Convection heat is best because it gives the fries more even crispness.

The trick is to start at a lower heat to cook the potatoes, then end on a higher heat to crisp up the outside. Continue reading “Healthier French Fries”

Dirty Quinoa

Serves: 3-4 people
Hands-on time: 15-20 min
Total time: 30 min

This recipe for “dirty” quinoa is adapted from the dirty rice I used to make all the time when I was single and cooking was a low priority.  I also used to chop up hotdogs and throw them in to make a meal, but um I don’t do that anymore. Now it’s just clean, whole, unprocessed food for me.  I sure wish they made a natural hotdog flavor I could add to a dish to get my hotdog fix.  Anyway, enough about hot dogs, let’s make some dirty quinoa!


Continue reading “Dirty Quinoa”