Do you really need a separate garbage bowl, just to throw in your scraps when you’re prepping your meal? Why clean another bowl, just because you needed a place to throw your scraps?
Before you shell out $20 (or more!) for a special bowl for garbage, try this simple trick instead.
When you pull your fresh produce out of the fridge to start preparing your meal, don’t throw the bag away! Put it on your counter and roll the edges down to form a little container. Throw your scraps and other garbage in there, and then just close the bag (tie it if you wish) and toss it in the trash.
Save a couple of extra bags under your sink for those times when you don’t pull one direct from the fridge.
P.S. If you have a compost pile you could use brown paper bags instead, just don’t put anything too wet in there. Then just toss the whole bag onto the pile.