Soak chia seeds in 3 T of water while you prep the smoothie. They should soak for about 7 or 8 minutes, until they get gelatinous.
Put the remaining ingredients except the ice cubes in your high-speed blender.
When the chia seeds have formed a gel, add them to the blender, then add the ice cubes on top.
Blend according to your blender’s instructions.
Recipe Notes
If you use an apple instead of applesauce, you can use every part except the stem. Yep, seeds and all. Just make sure you wash the apple before using it to get rid of any remaining pesticide residue.
If you use too much parsley you will taste it. you want just enough to be beneficial (great for bad breath) so a couple of tablespoons should do it.
If you have never tried spirulina, I highly recommend it. It is a true superfood. It doesn’t have an appealing taste all by itself, but it is perfect for smoothies.