Egg, Toast & Juice

Got a bunch of back-to-back meetings this morning? This 10-minute breakfast will keep you sated until at least late-morning. Don’t forget to grab a granola bar to munch on in between meeting number 2 & 3!

1 egg, fried or boiled. If frying use organic canola spray.
1 thick slice of Low Gluten Bread with 1 tsp Earth Balance spread
1 8 oz glass of Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness juice (I thin it out with about 2 T of water because it’s technically a smoothie and is very thick)

Total calories: 330
Egg 90
Bread + spread 100 (I’m guessing)
Juice 140 (less if you thin it down like I do)

If you’re a big person or very active you’ll need more calories. Have another egg and half again as much juice. Skip the extra bread. Your total calories will be closer to 500.