Pink Slime in Your Ground Beef Called “Safe” — Really?

Pink Slime is Safe but Not NutritiousI recently saw this blog post, linked from a friend’s Facebook page.

It reminded me of the movie, “Food, Inc.“, where I learned of that disgusting pink goopy chicken filler that’s used to make fast food chicken nuggets. It’s probably also used in those cheap frozen “Cordon Bleu” two-packs I used to eat before I knew better. I won’t say the brand in case I’m wrong (but I’m probably not), but I’m sure you’ve seen them in the freezer section of your grocery store.

Anyway, the point of this post is that this is exactly why we need to 1) cook for ourselves as much as possible, and 2) buy organic ingredients. Continue reading “Pink Slime in Your Ground Beef Called “Safe” — Really?”