Cook healthy. Feel better. Live longer. The sooner you start healthy eating habits, the better you will feel and the longer you will live.

The Problem with Time

You already know you need better eating habits. The problem is time. It takes time to cook meals from fresh ingredients. It takes time to plan ahead. It takes time to shop the perimeter instead of the aisles.  It takes time to learn easier ways to do things.

We want to make it easier for you.  That’s what Get Cooking Healthy! is about.  Getting the right information to you when you need it so you can spend less time on dinner and more time on you.

What’s Inside?

Get Cooking Healthy! is about three simple things…

  1. Choosing healthy fresh ingredients that fit your lifestyle and dietary needs.
  2. Planning your meals ahead of time.
  3. Easily finding recipes that are nutritious, delicious, and most important… FAST.

Get Cooking Healthy! is all about helping you get to that ultimate goal of getting a healthy and delicious dinner on the table in as little time as possible.  We try to shoot for 30 minutes or less, and your ability to achieve this gets easier the with regular planning and your level of comfort in the kitchen.

Why Get Cooking Healthy! is Different

Get Cooking Healthy! is not a recipe website although we have many recipes available.  It’s a healthy meal planning method that anyone can learn.  If you follow it regularly you will become familiar with the principles behind it.  The process will become natural, and eventually you will be whipping up healthy dinners all on your own without us! Of course we hope you will continue to visit and take advantage of our tools and community support.

To get started, sign up for the free healthy eMeal Plan program, which delivers a complete meal plan to your email inbox every week. There’s no gimmick and no hidden costs. Just give us your email address, tell us your diet plan, and next Saturday you’ll get your first meal plan by email.  All healthy meals that will have you in and out of the kitchen in about 30 minutes, including prep time.